In order to secure transparent and anti-corruption environment, a system for making reports, also anonymous, about suspected corrupt conduct; the system may be used by both the employees and the public. The system provides a safe space and trustworthy tools for reporting the suspicions.
Reports should contain:
- identification of persons suspected of corrupt conduct,
- detailed description of possible corrupt conduct,
- specific evidence about the possible corrupt conduct,
- possible requirement for maintaining anonymity of the reporting person.
A reporting person can report the suspected corrupt conduct through:
- telephone line of individual chief employees published on the Prosecutor General’s Office website,
- anti-corruption e-mail address,
- postal address:
Prosecutor General’s Office / Nejvyšší státní zastupitelství
Section of Legal and Disciplinary Agendas, Complaints and Public Relations / Oddělení právních a kárných agend, stížností a vztahů k veřejnosti
Jezuitská 4
660 55 Brno
Anti-Corruption Policy of Prosecutor General’s Office
Annex no. 1 – Code of Ethics of Public Prosecutors
Annex no. 2 – Code of Ethics of Employees of Prosecutor General’s Office
List of advisory bodies and advisors in public prosecution system