Electronic Registry

Office hours of the Registry Office of High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Olomouc

Monday7:30 – 17:00
Tuesday7:30 – 16:00
Wednesday7:30 – 16:00
Thursday7:30 – 16:00
Friday7:30 – 15:00

Queries regarding the operation of Electronic Registry

may be submitted:

  • by e-mail to the Electronic Registry address
  • in writing to the postal address of High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Olomouc
  • by telephone at +420 585 202 111

List of authorized employees, who have been issued a qualified certificate

  • Věra Bibrová
  • Leona Sekaninová
  • Marianna Arnoldová

The Electronic Registry is designed for receiving all data messages, it also accepts data messages with a recognized electronic signature (i.e. certified electronic signature based on a qualified certificate issued by an accredited certification services provider, or qualified electronic signature).

Submissions and annexes thereto can be sent to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in electronic form through electronic data messages and documents attached thereto. Data messages can be sent to the Public Prosecutor’s Office by e-mail or via data mailbox. Submissions in electronic form and annexes thereto can be sent to the Public Prosecutor’s Office 24/7. Processing thereof is realized during office hours of the Registry Office only.

Electronic Registry of High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Olomouc accepts electronic submissions in electronic form sent

1) to e-mail: podatelna@vsz.olc.justice.cz

This electronic address is designated for accepting electronic data messages sent to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in electronic form by e-mail.

E-mail addresses of individual employees of High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Olomouc are not intended to accept submissions addressed to High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Olomouc; the designated address is the electronic address of the Registry Office: podatelna@vsz.olc.justice.cz .

In case this procedure is not followed by the submitter, they may not receive an automated answer confirming the receipt of their message, and assessment of such submissions may be delayed.

In order to ensure cybernetic security of the High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Olomouc, submissions containing only a link created by using so called URL shorteners (e.g. “goo.gl/criminal complaint”) without any accompanying text or note will not be processed.

Technical parameters of accepted data messages and confirmations of delivery of data messages to this electronic address are in the subject to the regiment of the Electronic Registry.

2)   via data mailbox

Data mailbox ID of High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Olomouc: ryhaa8a

Delivery of submissions in electronic form via data mailbox is governed by the Act no. 300/2008 Sb., on Electronic Actions and Authorized Conversion of Documents, as amended. More detailed information on data mailboxes, including the list thereof is available at  www.mojedatovaschranka.cz.

Contact information for delivery of data messages on technical data carriers

Electronic submissions are also accepted on technical data carriers, which may be delivered during office hours to the Registry Office:

Vrchní státní zastupitelství v Olomouci
17. listopadu 909/44
779 00 Olomouc

Unless agreed otherwise with the submitter, the accepted portable technical data carrier is not returned to the submitter. The data carrier may be delivered to the Registry Office of the High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Olomouc in office hours. One data carrier may only contain one submission with annexes.

Technical parameters of data messages and technical data carriers

Elektronic registry accepts submissions in the following file formats:

*.xlsx, *.xls, *.docx, *.doc, *.ppt, *.pptx, *.rtf, *.pdf, *.txt, *.jpg, *.fo, *.zfo, *.zip, *.rar

The Public Prosecutor’s Office also accepts static images , dynamic image and audio recordings delivered to the electronic address of the Registry Office (e-mail address) or to data mailbox in the following data formats PNG, TIF, TIFF, JPEG, JFIF, MPEG-2, MPEG-1, GIF, MP2, MP3 and WAV.

Documents sent to the Public Prosecutor’s Office in another file format than referred to in Section 4 (2) of the Regulation no. 259/2012 Coll., on Details of Execution of File Keeping Service, as amended, will be handled as undelivered. The Public Prosecutor’s Office will not process it and will disregard it. The submitter will be notified thereof.

Technical parameters of technical data carriers, which may contain data messages:

  • CD or DVD,
  • USB flash disc.

Technical conditions for acceptance of submissions in electronic form

The maximum size of a data message (e-mail or data mailbox), including the attached documents, is 20 MB for both. If the data message including the attached documents exceeds the maximum allowed size, the data message will not be delivered to the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

If the data message or document contains a computer program eligible to cause damage to the information system of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, such submission will be considered, pursuant to Section 4 (2) of the Regulation no. 259/2012 Coll., on Details of Execution of the File Keeping Service, as amended, as undelivered and the Public Prosecutor’s Office will not process it and will disregard it. The submitter will be notified thereof.

Corrupted documents, which cannot be viewed in a user-perceptible manner and as such make it impossible to ascertain, what type of submission they contain, will be considered, in compliance with Section 4 (2) of the Regulation no. 259/2012 Coll., on Details of Execution of the File Keeping Service, as amended, as undelivered and the Public Prosecutor’s Office will not process it and will disregard it. The submitter will be notified thereof.

Sending of encrypted data message or document must be agreed in advance and at the same time it is necessary to deliver the decryption key. Otherwise such submission in electronic form, which cannot be viewed in user- perceptible manner, will be considered, pursuant to Section 4 (2) of the Regulation no. 259/2012 Coll., on Details of Execution of the File Keeping Service, as amended, as undelivered and the Public Prosecutor’s Office will not process it and will disregard it. The submitter will be notified thereof.

Signing of data messages and documents

Submissions sent to the High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Olomouc in electronic form, which are related to the exercise of its competence, must be signed by a recognized electronic signature in compliance with Section 6 (1) of the Act no. 297/2016 Coll., on Services Establishing Trust for Electronic Transactions. Submissionos sent via data mailbox will be also deemed to have been signed in this way.

A recognized electronic signature according to Section 6 (2) of the Act on Services Establishing Trust for Electronic Transactions is understood as an advanced electronic signature based on a qualified certificate for electronic signature or a qualified electronic signature.

Submissions signed only by an advanced electronic signature or by signature based on a commercial certificate will be treated as not signed. Similarly will be treated submissions attached with a recognized electronic seal, which does not replace a recognized electronic signature.

In case of a submission sent to the Public Prosecutor’s Office by e-mail, where the submission in electronic form is contained in an attached document, the document itself containing the submission must be signed by a recognized electronic signature, not simply the e-mail body.

Rules for confirmation of data message delivery

Delivery of electronically signed data message sent by e-mail to the Electronic Registry is confirmed to the sender by sending a data message from electronic address epodatelna@servis.justice.cz signed by the qualified certificate for electronic seal issued for the Central Registry of Justice.

In case of a data message sent via data mailbox this message is replaced by a return receipt generated by the data mailbox information system.

Sample e-mail confirming the delivery:

E-mail subject: Confirmation of delivery with regular number <regular number of submission / year> .

Your submission in the matter of /”<subject>”/ with registration number <submission registration number> and regular number <submission regular number / year> was delivered on <date of delivery dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi:ss>.

Submitted electronically <type of submission>.

Number of annexes sent: <number of annexes>.

The data message will subsequently be verified in the sense of Regulation no. 259/2012 Coll., on Details of Execution of the File Keeping Service .


This data message was generated automatically by Electronic Registry of the organization. Please do not respond to this message through Reply in your mail client. In case of any problems or questions, always contact the organization, which generated this message.

List of legal enactments, according to which one can make legal acts in relation to the High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Olomouc in electronic form, and prerequisites of these acts, in particular concerning the use of a recognized electronic signature:

Act no. 283/1993 Coll., on Public Prosecutor’s Office, as amended

Act no. 141/1961 Coll., on Criminal Proceedings (Criminal Procedure Code or CPC) and the regulation no. 23/1994 Coll., on the Code of Procedure of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, establishing branch offices of some Public Prosecutor’s Offices and details on actions performed by legal trainees

Act no. 106/1999 Coll., on Free Access to Information, as amended

(request for the provision of information can be also made by “simple” e-mail, it does not have to be signed by recognized electronic signature or sent via data mailbox; however, it must be submitted through the Electronic Registry of High Public Prosecutor’s Office in Olomouc)

Act no. 85/1990 Coll., on the Right of Petition

Detailed information on personal data processing…