Foreign Bribery

You can report your suspicion of foregin bribery to the Police of the Czech Republic or the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
You may do so via e-mail directly to the Prosecutor General’s Office at: 

The report should contain:

  • identification of persons suspected of corrupt conduct,
  • detailed description of possible corrupt conduct,
  • specific evidence of possible corrupt conduct.

The Prosecutor General’s Office has long been focused on the issue of foreign bribery. That is why it participated, in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, the National Center for Combatting Organized Crime of the Criminal Police and Investigation Service of the Police of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Industry and Trade and CzechTrade and CzechInvest agencies, on the preparation of an information booklet dedicated to the issue of foreign bribery, which provides information on the risks and sanctions associated with this criminal offense to Czech companies.

Booklet FOREIGN BRIBERY (Czech only)